We are a Bible-Believing local church of ancient and historic Christianity resting in the grace of the Triune God and seeking to Proclaim the Gospel.
We desire to glorify God in all that we do, and we seek to honor God by exalting in the gospel of Jesus Christ our Lord. A church following in the ancient and historic Christian faith, we are a local assembly of believers influenced by the doctrines rediscovered during the Reformation. We rejoice in the grace of God and desire to be biblical, God-Centered and Gospel-Saturated in all that we do and are a part of. We seek to be a loving community of vibrant worshipers of the Triune God that reach out the region to which we are called.
A Worshiping Community
We value the Biblical rhythm of one day in seven and on The Lord's Day, we seek to be nourished through the Ordinary Means of Grace.
A Growing Community
We seek to be a fellowship which is growing under and is regularly sharing together in the Word of Christ. We share our lives together in meals, fellowships for men and women, baby showers and outdoor work days. We seek for our community life to be one of shared lives together.
A SERVING Community
We seek to serve God and others for His glory - - we are Devoted to Christ and Devoted to One Another.