
Our meeting together on Sunday, the Lord’s Day, is a biblical pattern seen from the earliest days following the Ascension of Christ and is part of the creation pattern of one day in seven being set apart unto the Lord. We seek to worship the Lord, assembled together, through the patterns we see in the Scriptures. Thus we understand the Scripture to regulate public worship and practice what is called the Regulative Principle of Worship. The Scriptural practices include the singing of songs and psalms, prayer, Scripture Reading, the Preaching of the Word (the Bible), the public confession of doctrine, and the administration of the two ordinances/sacraments that Christ gave His church: Baptism and The Lord’s Supper.  With joy and intentional reverence, we come together to worship Christ who rules over His church and promises to be with us spiritually.

Worshiping together as a community of faith is a joy. Community worship is treasuring God together. We believe that it is a privilege and responsibility for a faith family to worship multi-generationally. Therefore, while we provide nursery up through age 3, we also value families being together in worship. 

We desire to be Christ-Centered and God-Exalting in our worship using a variety of music with excellence, a deep richness in lyrics both new and old, through the preaching of perfect God's Word, and through the engaging of our mind and hearts by delighting in God. We seek to be expectant partakers of the grace of our God through His means of grace. This time each week is the centerpiece of our life together as we worship God on the Lord's day to "...taste and see that the Lord is good".

Our Sunday gatherings are the prime weekly time for our church family to assemble together (Hebrews 10:24-25). We focus on the maturity and growth of believers in our worship gathering and as such, services are designed for believers while we also proclaim the gospel for unbelievers as well. We provide childcare for birth to preschool, and also encourage families worshiping together as they are able. There is a variety of dress from casual to dressy, and we value sharing in community as we seek to worship the Lord. We usually have coffee and refreshments available in the commons and we welcome guests to join us.


service times

Morning Worship | 10:30 am

Evening Worship | 5:00 pm

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